20 Surprising Technology Facts That You Didn’t Know.

New technology developments are happening so fast that we’re surprised by some things we thought we knew. Technology facts that you don’t know yet are you a techie? If not, here are some surprising facts about technology that’ll make you feel like one. Here are 20 surprising Technology Facts That You Didn’t Know. Technology is a broad expression that refers to how a species uses and learns to use tools and crafts and how that usage and knowledge influence its capacity to manage and adapt to its environment. It is a result of science and engineering in human society, even though many technological developments came before these two ideas. A clear definition of “technology” is elusive: It can relate to material objects of utility to mankind, such as machinery, hardware, or utensils, but can also embrace broader topics, including systems, ways of organization, and procedures. The expression can be used to refer to an extensive range of technologies or those explicitly used in a field, as in “construction technology,” “medical technology,” or “state-of-the-art technology.

1. First Apple Computer

The simplicity with which Apple’s products can be used is well known. When it comes to building quality and the UNIX-based MacOS operating system, MacBooks are superior. Apple’s processors’ performance and integrated graphics are substantially more outstanding and offer excellent battery life. The first Apple computer was made by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak in their garage.

2. First Text Message

According to a cellular carrier, text messaging is the act of exchanging brief, alphanumeric communications between cellphones, pagers, or other handheld devices.  You may send and receive text (SMS) and multimedia (MMS) messages through the Messages app. The first text message was sent in 1992 by Neil Papworth, an engineer for Vodafone, to Richard Jarvis, who was then at British Telecom.

3. The First Webcam

A webcam is a video camera that is made for streaming or recording footage to a computer or network of computers. Its primary purpose is to send images via the Internet. It is widely used for recording photos and for instant messaging applications. The first webcam was created in 1991 at Cambridge as part of a research project led by Tim Berners-Lee.

4. The First Website

A website, often known as a website, is a cluster of web pages and related material that is published on at least one web server and given a shared domain name. The first website went online on August 6, 1991, and was hosted on the NeXT computer of Tim Berners-Lee while he worked at CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research).

5. Chinese Google

Google is not the most chart-topping search engine in the world – Baidu is! It’s easy to understand why Baidu is frequently referred regarded as the Chinese Google in marketing circles. It is similar to the search engine the rest of us are familiar with in many aspects. It is not only the preferred search engine in China, but it also offers a wide range of other online services.

6. Amazon And Its Original Business

Amazon.com, Inc. is a worldwide technology corporation based in the United States that specifically specializes in online shopping, cloud computing, online advertising, digital streaming, and artificial intelligence… Amazon’s original business plan was to sell books only over the Internet – they later expanded into other products and services when they found that people were buying more than just books from them!

7. Facebook Fact

Facebook is a social networking and social media website that is owned by Meta Platforms. Meta understands how crucial it is for Facebook to have a platform where users feel confident in communicating. Facebook started as a social networking site exclusively for Harvard students but soon opened up to other colleges and  Cambridge universities before becoming available to everyone in 2006.

8. Youtube Fact

YouTube is a website where videos can be shared. Steve Chen, Chad Hurley, and Jawed Karim filed for its registration on February 14, 2005.YouTube was founded in February 2005 by three former PayPal-employed workers who wanted to create a video-sharing platform where users could upload, share, and view videos online.

9. Microsoft Fact

Microsoft is the world’s largest vendor of computer software. It also provides cloud-based solutions, video games, gaming hardware, software, search, and other online services. Microsoft Windows wasn’t Microsoft’s first operating system – it released MS-DOS (a predecessor to Windows) in 1981!

10. Ipad Wasn’t The First Tablet

The iPad makes multitasking more straightforward and more effective than ever. Effortlessly integrate between apps. To work with multiple apps at once, use Slide Over or Split View. Using the iPad, you can even drag and drop content between apps using your finger or a trackpad. The iPad wasn’t the first tablet device ever created – that title goes to the GRiDPad, which came out back in 1989!

11. Why A Webcam Is Made?

The first widely used commercial webcam was made available in 1994, but webcams have been used on the Internet since 1993. The majority of early webcam streaming to websites was restricted to still images. The first webcam was created in 1991 .it was made by a team of Cambridge University scientists who wanted to see what was going on in their labs from home!

12. What Was The First Text?

As we know, The first text message was sent in 1992 by Neil Papworth, an engineer for Vodafone, to Richard Jarvis, but do you know what the first words he wrote in that historical message were? It simply said “Merry Christmas”! Indeed interesting. What would you write if you got a çhance.?

13. QWERTY Keyboards 

A keyboard is a peripheral input device that uses a set of buttons or keys to function mechanically and is modeled after a typewriter keyboard. Your computer’s QWERTY keyboard can make typing more laborious. This keyboard was created to solve typewriters’ jamming problems. On the keyboard, the most frequently used letters are situated far from one another.

14. What Is Apples First Product 

Stephen G. Wozniak’s lifelong desire to create his own computer gave rise to Apple Inc. Apple’s very first product was not an iPod or an iPhone – it was the Apple I, a personal computer that was released in 1976! Commonly known as the first Apple Computer. What are your thoughts on these.?

15. Amazon Or Google

When comparing Amazon and Google, it becomes clear that Amazon focuses on an extremely specific group of searchers: active shoppers. But do you know who was actually found earlier?  Amazon is actually older than Google – it was founded back in 1994 compared to Google, which came about in 1998. Amazing right?

16. What If Facebook Were A Country?

Facebook helps to open up new opportunities by bringing people and businesses together, removing barriers to marketing, and encouraging innovation. This promotes global economic activity. Assuming, If Facebook were a country, with over 1.5 billion active users, it would be the third largest country in the world!

17. Who Invented Twitter? 

Twitter wasn’t invented by Jack Dorsey – he just came up with the idea and helped develop it along with Noah Glass and Evan Williams. Twitter first appeared in early 2006 when NYU student Jack Dorsey introduced some of his coworkers at the podcasting company Odeo to a novel idea for online communication. Dorsey’s concept was a platform that worked similarly to text messaging and allowed users to communicate brief messages with groups of people.

18. What Was The First Tweet?

Three tech-savvy entrepreneurs, Jack Dorsey, Biz Stone, and Evan Williams, started Twitter in March 2006 by emulating Flickr and calling it twttr…The initial tweet was sent by Jack Dorsey on March 21, 2006, and said, “just setting up my twttr”. An NFT was created when he converted a static image of a five-word tweet into a digital file kept on a blockchain. The picture sold for an astounding $2.9 million a few months later.

19. Do You Know How Much Google Domain Costs?

The best search engine on the Web was initially developed by Google, which energized the online world. Google is at the lead of the search engine competition thanks to its blazing-fast and generally accurate search results. But did you know that The domain name “www.google.com” cost $100,000 when Larry Page and Sergey Brin registered it back in 1997

20. When Did The First Iphone Come Out? 

The first iPhone was innovative even when compared to other touchscreen phones at the time. The iPhone was made to be used with just your fingertip as opposed to a cumbersome stylus. Enabling intuitive and natural phone use for the user. The first iPhone didn’t come out until 2007 – six years after the launch of the original iPod!

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