Top 20 Face Recognition Technologies

Facial recognition is the process of identifying a person using their face. Different people have different looks and each person is analyzed distinctly by this technology. It comes with a 2D or 3D sensor. It captures the image of the person, and after that it transforms the image into readable data. Then it is compared to the actual image of the person that is already stored in the system. It hardly takes a few seconds to verify the identity of a person. It is easy to operate and install. Many tech giants like Apple, Google, Amazon, and Facebook are pushing their limits to make a mark in this field.

1. Amazon Rekognition

It is one of the best face recognition software in the scene. It labels people and then identifies them. It is a quick process and it identifies up to 100 people from a single image. The technology used here is top-notch and the AL and ML algorithms practiced here help in the accurate recognition of people.

2. Deepface

It is an initiative of Facebook that started in the year 2014. It is a highly accurate tool for face detection. It is backed up by Google’s FaceNet. It offers quick face scanning and can store data of numerous people in its database. It is sAid to have an accuracy of more than 97%, which is highly impressive.

3. Face ++

It was developed by a Chinese company called Megvii Technology. It provides face identification as well as a ’Beauty Score’. It estimates the age of the individual, gender, landmark, and what kind of emotions the person is going through. It is costlier compared to other technologies. It is compatible with many software for optimal performance.

4. Microsoft Azure Cognitive Services

It is a cost-effective way for companies to install the face detection app. It easily recognizes a beard, spectacles, masks, and rings. It supports software like Java, Python, and Go. It also has features like age and gender recognition and emotional judgment. It offers smooth functioning of the technology without any hassle.

5. Kairos

It is perfect for startups. It offers fast face detection with high accuracy. It can store the data of many employees. It can be accessed on both iOS and Android. It is very easy to use and is suitable for large companies. It recognizes different features of the face with ease.


It is an advanced detection software that offers three modes, contAiner, plug and play, and SDK. It is very popular amongst all the sectors of the world. It can also detect the temperature for better safety. It is easy to use, especially with the plug-and-play mode. It can store a lot of data as well.

7. Oz Liveness

It is very popular among private companies and even government agencies, where safety is the utmost priority. It prevents any kind of identity fraud. It can detect 2D and 3D faces. It also prevents other risks like spoofs. It is very easy to implement and use. It can also detect photos and videos.

8. Cognitec

It is a very advanced system that supports scanning within live streams on any platform. It has a separate edition for large companies for better functioning. It identifies different facets of a person’s face, like the rings on the face, glasses, and hAirstyles. It also offers a regular face scanning at a very quick pace.

9. Paravision

It offers fast face scanning and object scanning is also avAilable. It is a real-time system with high accuracy. It identifies any kind of spoofing and identity fraud and prevents it from happening. It can also estimate the age of the person. It is perfect for organizations requiring high security.

10. Blippar

It is a different kind of face recognition technology. It not only offers quick face recognition but also gives some additional information about the person who is being scanned. It is an AR (augmented reality) platform. It also scans other physical objects in the environment, like a book or a table.

11. Luxand

It is a flexible face recognition software that is suitable not only for large companies with many employees but also for applications for programming, like Java, C++, and .NET. It is widely used in industries like banking and entertAinment. It is perfect for these sectors considering the technology used by Luxand.

12. ClarifAi

It is an ML-powered software for face recognition. It is a reliable software for banks and other government agencies. It can identify a person’s face from any position and is very quick to do so. It is useful in preventing thefts and other types of identity fraud. It is easy to use.

13. Iproov

It is a popular software that is used widely in public and private sector companies. It provides a fast face recognition process and eliminates the use of passcodes and other forms of verification methods. It has different modes avAilable that can be used according to the preference of a company.

14. Mantra

It is a highly advanced software for face recognition. It offers fast face recognition and a live face detection system. It best serves startups because it is cheap and easy to implement. The after-sales service is top-notch. There is no mAintenance cost involved and it displays quick results.

15. Sky

It is an AI-powered software for face detection. It offers quick recognition and it also identifies the objects that a person uses on the face. It can point out the gender and age just with the face of the person. It is very easy to use and integrate with the existing database of the company. It also has a trial version avAilable to get the hang of this software.

16. Digipass

It is a two-step process for face detection. First of all, a QR code is scanned by the employee then a face scan takes place. It has to match with the data stored in the system. It uses ML algorithms to detect correctness. It is also avAilable on both iOS and Android.

17. Facefirst

It is very easy to implement and use. It offers quick detection of the face. It is good for reducing fraud and theft. It is very popular among places requiring strict security, like Airports and sports stadiums. It can estimate the age of the person as well. It is a very accurate technology.

18. Dermalog

It is a web application that supports a mobile device as well. It is useful for all kinds of companies and sectors. It offers complete security by providing live face recognition and quick detection to save time. It can store data of numerous employees at a time, which makes it more useful in the long run.

19. Allgovision

It is packed with features like live face scanning, gender and age reveal, facial object detection, and expression recognition. It is very useful when it comes to large companies due to its storage space. It can record multiple names and their faces at a time. It is easy to implement and everyone can use it with ease.

20. Sensory

It is an effective combination of a face-detection system and a voice recognition system. It is a very advanced system that even recognizes body parts other than the face. It has a mode called liveness detection that provides even better security agAinst frauds and spoofs. It is best suited for companies requiring strict surveillance.

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