The Best NPS Tools For Enhancing Customer Satisfaction

Businesses utilize the Net Promoter Score (NPS), a widely accepted statistic, to assess customer happiness and loyalty to them. This article delves into the 20 NPS tools available in the market, outlining their features and advantages to assist in making well-informed decisions regarding the most suitable tool for their requirements.

1. Qualtrics

Qualtrics provides an NPS solution that empowers businesses. Its user-friendly interface and robust reporting features have made it a popular choice among organizations.

2. SurveyMonkey

SurveyMonkey is an NPS tool that offers flexibility in designing surveys to capture valuable. With its interface and strong analytical capabilities, SurveyMonkey businesses seek feedback mechanisms.

3. Medallia

Medallia goes beyond data collection by providing advanced sentiment analysis and text analytics functionalities. It enables organizations to delve deeper into customer feedback, understanding not the numerical scores but the underlying sentiments and trends. Medallia stands out as a tool for companies aiming to unlock insights and drive significant enhancements.

4. Zoho Survey

Zoho Survey streamlines the process of gathering and analyzing NPS data. Zoho Survey offers a seamless experience for collecting and examining NPS data, making it a trusted solution. With its intuitive interface, diverse survey options, and powerful analysis features, companies of all sizes can benefit from this tool.

5. Salesforce

Salesforce provides customer relationship management (CRM) solutions with added NPS functions. Its seamless integration across various departments and systems makes it a powerful platform for streamlining operations and ensuring a cohesive customer experience. The advanced analytics capabilities of Salesforce provide businesses with valuable insights into customer behavior, preferences & trends. It empowers companies to make informed decisions based on data and consistently enhance customer relationships. It enables them to optimize their strategies, tailor their offerings, and deliver personalized experiences that meet and exceed customer expectations. With Salesforce’s analytics capabilities, businesses can drive growth, improve customer satisfaction & stay ahead of the competition in today’s data-driven world.

6. Excited

Excited prioritizes speed and efficiency, positioning it as a leading option for businesses seeking to optimize their feedback collection procedures. Its engaging and intuitive tools enable organizations to remain agile and consistently enhance customer experience strategies. By leveraging Excited’s dynamic features, businesses can effectively gather feedback in a streamlined manner, allowing for quick adjustments and improvements based on customer insights. This commitment to efficiency and adaptability makes Excited a valuable asset for companies looking to stay competitive and responsive to customer needs.

7. Cheers

Cheers specializes in collecting customer feedback. Cheers is a customer feedback platform that excels at survey creation and distribution, helping businesses gather valuable insights from their customers. Cheers empowers to make informed decisions and monitor their progress in enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty. Its analytics dashboard enables businesses to uncover insights and monitor progress over time.

8. FriendlyAsk

FriendlyAsk provides an experience for collecting and analyzing NPS data for businesses. The advanced reporting capabilities of FriendlyAsk give businesses insight into customer sentiment, empowering them to make decisions based on data and implement proactive approaches to boost customer satisfaction. FriendlyAsks comprehensive solutions simplify the NPS procedure. Generate insights for organizations.

9. offers an NPS solution that emphasizes automation and actionable insights. stands out as a powerful NPS (Net Promoter Score) solution. With its robust segmentation tools and advanced analytics capabilities, businesses can identify promoters and detractors among their customer base. It can take swift and targeted action to reinforce positive experiences and address any areas of concern, ultimately driving overall customer satisfaction and loyalty.

10. SatisMeter

SatisMeter specializes in collecting feedback within applications and assessing customer satisfaction levels. By allowing users to provide feedback directly within the app, SatisMeter offers businesses an advantage. It helps companies pinpoint areas for improvement, enhance features, and consistently improve their offerings to enhance the overall user experience, fostering customer loyalty and driving long-term success. SatisMeter’s focus on in-app feedback ensures relevant insights for actionable improvements.

11. Nicereply

Nicereply offers a potent NPS tool, including survey distribution and advanced analytics. Through Nicereply, companies can gauge customer sentiment across touchpoints. Implement tailored strategies for enhancement.

12. Refiner

Refiner enables businesses to gather, monitor, and enhance NPS scores. With its surveys, user segmentation features, and detailed reports, Refiner supports organizations in optimizing customer satisfaction levels.

13. Retently

It specializes in gauging customer loyalty and promoting customer experiences. Using its NPS survey capabilities, Retently empowers businesses to acquire real-time insights and propel initiatives for retaining customers.

14. CustomerGauge

CustomerGauge provides an NPS platform that equips businesses to measure and analyze customer loyalty. Businesses can efficiently execute customer strategies by addressing areas for improvement, ultimately enhancing satisfaction levels and retention rates. CustomerGauge provides an essential solution for companies’ NPS data for informed decision-making and continuous improvements. CustomerGauge offers a solution for companies’ NPS data for decision-making processes and ongoing enhancements.

15. Client Heartbeat

Client heartbeat aids businesses in evaluating customer satisfaction levels and retention rates. By offering surveys and an automated feedback mechanism, Client Heartbeat fosters active engagement practices while enabling the management of customers.

16. Satmetrix

Satmetrix offers an NPS solution that combines feedback collection, analysis, and actionable insights. With its analytics and reporting capabilities, businesses can make data-informed enhancements. Build lasting customer relationships.

17. Responstap

Responstap is an NPS tool. Its offline mode is a key feature, allowing companies to collect feedback even in areas with limited internet connectivity. Moreover, Responstap’s personalized reporting capabilities enable businesses to understand customer sentiments and preferences, enabling targeted actions that drive higher response rates and derive actionable insights. Responstap is a valuable tool for optimizing their NPS efforts and enhancing the overall customer experience.

18. Sparq

Sparq enables companies to gather feedback from sources promptly. Its advanced AI features and reporting tools help organizations understand customer opinions and improve the experience.

19. SightMill

SightMill simplifies collecting NPS feedback, allowing businesses to assess, analyze, and enhance customer satisfaction. With its user-friendly interactive dashboards and robust analytics capabilities, organizations can easily monitor trends and benchmark their performance against industry standards.

20. Survicate

Survicate offers survey solutions for NPS evaluation and analysis. With its targeting features and integration options, businesses can delve deeper into customer sentiments. Adjust strategies accordingly.


Measuring customer satisfaction and loyalty through NPS is crucial, with the right NPS tool being pivotal for success. This article highlights the 20 NPS tools that provide options for businesses looking to measure, analyze, and enhance their NPS effectively. By assessing their needs and comparing features, organizations can choose the appropriate NPS solution to boost customer satisfaction and achieve long-term success.

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