Top 20 AI Start-Ups That Are Ready To Change The World For The Better

As we know, artificial intelligence (AI) is changing the world, be it businesses or personal day-to-day experiences. It is getting powerful day by day. We have already seen what AI is capable of and how its use can affect our lives. With big businesses trying to make money via AI, there are some players whose focus is to help benefit the lives of ordinary people. Many start-ups aim to help humankind by providing solutions for humane problems like medical assistance, education, safety, etc. Here is the list of top 20 AI start-ups that are ready to change the world:

1. Olive

Olive builds artificial intelligence solutions that empower healthcare organizations to improve patient care while reducing the effective cost of the whole process. It was founded in 2012 by Sean Lane. The AI workforce is explicitly designed for healthcare, decreasing costs, identifying improvements, repetitive, high-volume tasks, and monitoring the process to reduce error. We hope they succeed in their research and help us make the world a better place to live.

2. Veriff

Veriff is an online identity verification company that protects other companies and customers from online identity fraud. With everything shifting to the internet, identity fraud has become a more common phenomenon. Veriff makes it easier for the customers to trust the companies to keep their identity and details safe. With the help of machine learning and eagle-eyed specialists, it is always a step ahead of digital fraud.

3. GoodVision

GoodVision analyses traffic data and patterns to help reduce static traffic. Situated in London, one of the highest traffic rated cities. GoodVision hasn’t only allowed government officials to depict traffic hotspots, but many other transportation companies to assure timely completion of work. So if you live in London and face much less traffic than usual, you know who you need to thank.

4. CureMetrix

CureMetrix is a biotech company that focuses on improving disease detection and cancer survival rate. They are committed to developing AI-backed medical image analysis that doctors can confidently rely on. This will lead to better detection and outcomes but will also result in a massive reduction in the cost of the process.

5. DNSFilter

DNSFilter is an online AI-powered cybersecurity platform for users to protect themselves from ransomware, phishing, and malware attacks using real-time analysis. Half the people on the internet don’t even know what malware and ransomware are and what they do. They need some protection, and DNSFilter provides it.

6. Urbint

Urbint uses AI algorithms to successfully predict dangerous accidents in the infrastructure sector to make the world a safer place. The industries scanned and analyzed include gas utility, telecommunication, electric utilities, and many such enterprises. The company’s software can indicate construction, maintenance, and operation failures up to a week in advance. Recently they have started a service in which they predict gas leaks in residential buildings. Let us hope they do an excellent job so people can live in this world safely and peacefully.

7. Grammarly

Grammarly is an AI-backed grammar, punctuation, and spelling editing software available on PCs as an application and extension. It uses AI to check for errors in the statement or paragraphs and also provides solutions. Now students worldwide who are not that good at English can write articles and stuff without worrying about appearing as someone who doesn’t understand English.


This India-based start-up uses artificial intelligence for medical diagnosis. It analyses CT scans, X-rays, and MRIs and helps predict abnormalities in them. Their vision is to provide people an effective service. By removing human error and the time a human takes to analyze the tests, they give a much more accurate diagnosis. has helped more than 4 million people across 50 different countries.

9. Boston Dynamics

Boston Dynamics is a start-up that world in the mechanical industry. They build highly mobile robots with excellent mobility, agility, and dexterity. They make world-class prototypes and then run them through their build-test-build process. Their idea is to change how robots are perceived in the mechanical industry.

10. Square Off

Square off builds toys and games enabled with robotics and artificial intelligence. Their idea is to bridge the real and virtual worlds. These toys and games change the people learn and play. Kids of today’s generation are immersed in the virtual world and the traditional toys don’t entertain them anymore. Square Off provides the solution to this problem. With these high-tech toys and games, children can learn and have fun simultaneously.

11. Climate AI

Climate Ai brings climate intelligence and agronomics into the machine learning world for supply chains. They have a passionate and hardworking team who believes in climate change and swore to protect our planet. They help food and agriculture supply change to intensify more sustainably.

12. Ricult

Ricult swears to help farmers to pull out of poverty and tap into the multi-million dollar market. Their vision is to provide improvement in productivity and profitability. Now is the time for the smallholder farmers to revolutionize the industry by adapting to these new technologies and empowering the community. We know that in many countries, farmers are below the poverty line, especially the small farmers. With the help of Ricult, let us empower them.

13. TuSimple

TuSimple is a self-driving trucking company that allows companies to deliver cargo, goods, etc., from depot to depot without human interaction. They have just completed their first autonomous truck drive on open public roads without human interaction. Their next step is to go full commercial and allow private companies to use their trucks for shipping work.

14. Graphcore

Graphcore is in the semiconductor and data processing market. Its mission is to develop hardware systems that can run complex and time-consuming programs in record time. If they manage to build something that can do what they want, it will have huge applications in machine learning and artificial intelligence. It aims to make a massively parallel Intelligence Processing Unit that holds the complete machine learning model inside the processor.

15. Krikey

Krikey is a mobile application on android and iOS that provides an augmented reality gaming experience to its users. In the past few years, augmented reality (AR) has revolutionized how people perceive entertainment. They already have partnered with big studios like Sony Pictures Entertainment. Its vision is to provide its user with seamless and a new experience that they will truly cherish.

16. Gali Health

Gali health makes an AI-powered personal health assistant. Its mission is to make sure nobody ever feels lost, powerless, or isolated in the face of disease. They gather your health data and medically validated insights with their AI algorithms and provide highly personalized information on the medical lifestyle and psychological aspect of living through the chronic disease.

17. Nate

Have you ever browsing through an online e-commerce website and wanted to purchase a certain item it is unable to be shipped to your location. Don’t worry, Nate is here to help you, the only thing you have to do is to add their desired item in the Nate dashboard and click one button to purchase it, and the rest of the steps of checking out and shipping is done by the AI. Nate also provides various payment options.

18. Dall.E

Dall.E provides customized pictures that are generated from text captions. They use neural networks and natural language processing to convert the input text to an image or painting for a wide range of concepts. It generated realistic images with 4x greater resolution. If needed Dall.E can create ideas from scratch. New generation artists are very impressed by its capabilities and applications.

19. CaseText

Casetext is an AI-backed legal search engine with more than 10 million statutes, cases, and regulations. The software and search with citation, language; and jurisdiction of a user’s documents and provides relevant results. It has made the life of lawyers easy across the globe.

20. Orbital Insight       

Orbital Insight uses geospatial imagery and AI to gain insights into the climate and weather. Using data from satellites, drones, aircraft, and software provide insights and forecasts to the agriculture industry. Their forecasts have helped so many industries and individuals over time. If predicted accurately, farmers can plan their yearly plantations ahead of time and can yield better, which not only benefits them but ordinary people also. With better yield, the quality of the crop will also be better, which ultimately will benefit our health.

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