Top 20 Best Privacy-Focused Search Engines

In today’s era, the importance of privacy has significantly increased. With search engines and other online entities collecting large amounts of data, it often feels like we have limited control over our online privacy. There has been a growth in the number of privacy-focused search engines that provide an alternative for those who value more privacy and anonymity. There are privacy-focused search engines, each with its unique features.

1. DuckDuckGo

DuckDuckGo, undoubtedly the best-known privacy-focused search engine, prioritizes user privacy by strictly adhering to a no-logging policy. They clearly say they do not collect or store information, ensuring a secure browsing experience.

2. Startpage

To set itself apart from other search engines, Startpage takes advantage of Google’s superior search algorithms without giving up personally identifiable information and allowing users to perform private online searches.

3. Searx

Privacy is the top priority in the design of Searx. While preventing user tracking, Searx functions as a metasearch engine, gathering results from search queries. Moreover, Searx is self-hosted without requiring user data.

4. Disconnect Search

This private and encrypted search engine removes information from searches and claims to block companies from tracking users through targeted ads.

5. Qwant

European-based search engine Qwant places a strong emphasis on both delivering search results and protecting user privacy. Additionally, they have a policy against logging, ensuring that they do not retain any user data or search history.+

6. Wolfram Alpha

A knowledge engine that provides data and responses to a range of inquiries is called Wolfram Alpha. Wolfram Alpha provides users with query-based information without collecting or retaining user data.

7. MetaGer

MetaGer stands out as a metasearch engine that emphasizes privacy. It prioritizes user anonymity by refraining from storing IP addresses or user data. Additionally, it offers a Tor exit node for those seeking browsing.

8. Swisscows

Swisscows, located in Switzerland, is another search engine that values user privacy. Like MetaGer, it doesn’t store any user data. Furthermore, Swisscows relies on its algorithm to generate search results instead of relying on external sources.

9. Peekier

Peekier distinguishes itself as a search engine that displays website previews and search results. The Peekier approach includes privacy-enhancing features like encrypted communications and no user data storage.

10. Mojeek

Mojeek prides itself on being a search engine that respects user privacy and transparency. It takes no data from users. Employs its algorithm to deliver search results.

11. Gibiru

Gibiru operates as a search engine, utilizing a peer-to-peer network to ensure uncensored search results. Unlike search engines that employ censorship filters, Gibiru claims to eliminate them.

12. Yippy

Yippy is another metasearch engine distinguished by its algorithm for generating search results. User privacy is at the core of Yippy’s principles; it refrains from tracking user data search history or IP addresses.

13. Lilo

Lilo is a search engine known for its strong commitment to privacy and ethical practices. Lilo ensures the privacy of its users and shares fifty percent of its advertising revenue with environmental causes.

14. OneSearch

Verizon’s privacy-focused search engine, OneSearch, protects user queries with encryption and doesn’t store user data. Additionally, they provide customers with search result privacy control, enabling them to delete their search history.

15. Oscobo

Oscobo is a search engine based in the UK that prioritizes user privacy. Unlike search engines, it doesn’t. Sell user data. To power their search results, they combine Bing and Yahoo.

16. Search Encrypt

if you’re concerned about your privacy, Search Encrypt is a choice. It encrypts all searches. Additionally, it automatically deletes searches after 15 minutes to further protect your privacy.

17. Ekoru

Ekoru is not a search engine but an advocate for ocean conservation efforts. They use 80% of their profits to support these causes while ensuring user privacy by not collecting data or displaying ads.

18. Blackle

Blackle For those looking to save energy while searching the web, Blackle offers an energy solution with its black background design. Unlike search engines, Blackle doesn’t track user data or store cookies.

19. Boardreader

If you’re interested in finding discussions and conversations on topics within forums and online communities, Boardreader is the right choice for you. It prioritizes user privacy by not tracking any information.

20. Givero

Givero is a not-for-profit search engine. Like privacy-focused engines, it doesn’t track user data. Utilizes its algorithm combined with Bing’s results.


These search engines offer alternatives to those while respecting your privacy and providing benefits such as supporting worthy causes or being environmentally conscious. These 20 search engines prioritize privacy. Provide solutions for individuals seeking to safeguard their online privacy. Users have several options for features like encryption, no-logging regulations, and creative algorithms. These search engines provide privacy. There are options available to empower individuals to take control of their online experience.

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