Top 20 Best Python Code Editors For Ubuntu

Python, known for its simplicity and flexibility, has gained popularity as a programming language across the globe. Whether you’re a novice embarking on your coding journey or an experienced developer tackling projects, having the appropriate Python code editor is essential to enhancing your productivity and overall coding experience.

1. Visual Studio Code (VS Code)

Microsoft Visual Studio is a code editor. Visual Studio Code is widely known for its support for Python programming. It offers a range of extensions that enhance its capabilities and can be customized to meet preferences. Ubuntu users particularly appreciate its feature-rich environment for Python development.

2. PyCharm

PyCharm, developed by JetBrains, is a Python Integrated Development Environment (IDE). It stands out with its code completion and debugging tools for Python programming. PyCharm is available in both communities.

3. Sublime Text

Sublime Text is a code editor recognized for its speed and simplicity. It comes with features that are friendly to Python developers and has a community, making it a popular choice among programmers.

4. Atom

Atom is a text editor created by GitHub that’s both free and open source. It provides support for Python programming. Atom offers a wide range of packages and themes through its thriving ecosystem. Its customizable options make it adaptable to coding preferences.

5. Spyder

Spyder is an integrated development environment (IDE) specially designed for code editors in Python.

6. Geany

Geany is a code editor for Python development. It is known for its nature and flexibility, allowing for customization.

7. Notepad++

Notepad++, on the other hand, is primarily used as a text editor on Windows systems. It offers Python syntax highlighting and a wide range of features that are well-suited for Python development purposes.

8. Vim

Vim, a text editor known for its flexibility and efficiency, is highly regarded among developers. It offers Python support and a wide range of plugins, making it a versatile choice for coding.

9. Gedit

Gedit serves as the default text editor within the GNOME desktop environment. While not as feature-packed as a fully-fledged IDE, it does provide Python syntax highlighting and basic development functionalities.

10. Kate

Kate functions as the default text editor in the KDE Plasma desktop environment. It caters to developers with its Python support and an array of features for coding.

11. Eclipse With PyDev

By integrating the PyDev plugin, Eclipse transforms into a Python IDE. This combination delivers an integrated development environment that caters to Python programmers.

12. Bluefish

Bluefish code editor that supports Python development alongside other programming languages. Focus on web development, Bluefish offers features such as syntax highlighting and project management.

13. Jupyter Notebook

Jupyter Notebook is a web-based environment suited for data science and interactive Python programming tasks. It enables users to seamlessly combine code, visualizations, and documentation into one document.

14. CodeBlocks

Originally designed to accommodate C/C++ development needs. It makes it a viable option for developers working with Python. This IDE’s adaptability and extensibility make it a viable option for Python developers seeking a flexible development environment.

15. Thonny

Thonny is an IDE that caters to beginners and offers a user-development environment for projects involving programming languages. Thonny is a user-friendly Python-integrated development environment (IDE) that includes a debugger and supports microcontroller development. It simplifies the process of learning Python with its easy-to-use interface.

16. Komodo Edit

On the other hand, Komodo Edit is a version of Komodo IDE. It provides support for Python programming. It allows for extensibility through add-ons, which makes it a viable option for developers working with Python. Komodo Edit is the version of Komodo IDE offering support for Python and the ability to extend its functionality through add-ons.

17. Emacs

Emacs, a text editor that has been a part of the open-source software community for years, is known for its exceptional adaptability and versatility. Users can customize every aspect of their editing environment, making it truly flexible.

18. Joe (Editor)

Joe is a text editor that highlights Python syntax. Its simplicity makes it suitable for those who prefer coding environments.

19. PyDev

PyDev, an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for Python, is a software that provides programmers with a comprehensive platform for Python development. It has gained popularity among Python developers due to its focus on boosting productivity through code editing and debugging tools.

20. TextMate

TextMate is for macOS. It can also be used on Ubuntu using third-party solutions like Wine. It is known for its interface and multi-language support, including Python.

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