Top 20 Communication Technology Trends

Communication is the transferring or conveying of messages between animals or machines. Animals commonly produce hormones for their communication. And different animals have different ways of communicating. Proper communication has a significant role in the social development of humanity. People started a structural way of living by creating a society. Then, conveying the messages to each other was the biggest task. So, they created different languages in their locality to transfer messages. This was the first attempt in the history of human communication. Years later, humankind developed science and technology. That even enabled communication through wireless methods. Today we have another level of communication capability with the help of technology. Here we are discussing and listing the latest communication technology trends.

1. Social Media

At the end of the twentieth century, social media overtook the purpose of communication and became a platform for users to share their opinions and experiences. The platform provided a global audience, and it became easy to communicate with each other. Marketing and branding are also possible through business accounts on social media. They can use the platform to share business or product details and updates, connect and grow their audiences.

2. Automated Communication

The word ‘automation’ refers to the minimalized input of humankind into a technology. Many businesses are benefiting from using an automated communication system for their communication methods. This tool allows businesses or companies to quickly and effectively produce and manage, via a unified interface, it enables communication with whomever they need to.

3. Blogs

Reading is the most engaging hobby for the vast majority of the population. Some platforms do not require a book or have any other limitations. Blogs are one of these website platforms where people can share content for others to read. It can be open to the public via a website link or restricted to subscribers only. Popular bloggers can earn money from partnerships or advertising. Blogs can help businesses grow their brands and gain exposure.

4. Vlogs

Imaging has an important role in communication. And videos are the best imaging method available. Vlogs, or “video logs,” are essentially visual versions of blogs. Instead of posting text for readers to read, vloggers post simple videos of themselves sharing their ideas and experiences, or explaining something. Usually, vloggers use handheld cameras or their devices’ cameras to record themselves. Vloggers also do promotions and partnerships.

5. AI-Based Customer Service

AI, or artificial intelligence, is ruling the technical world now. Using AI in customer service means around-the-clock availability in any locality and language, which inevitably attracts new users and increases customer satisfaction. Support agents can also collaborate with AI to replace them in basic tasks while allowing them to focus on more complex cases.

6. Live Video

Livestreaming is similar to vlogging, but it takes place in real-time. Individuals or businesses post live videos on social media, blogs, or other video-hosting websites. Viewers can comment on the videos, and the host can immediately respond to their reactions. Businesses use this tool to launch or demonstrate products.

7. Conferencing Technology

Conferencing technology allows employees or people to communicate with each other regardless of their location. The recommended live conference technology includes audio and video feeds of the attendees. At the conference, computer screen-sharing or brainstorming screens are possible. Remote collaborations, official meetings, live lectures, and partnership meetings are commonly done through conferencing technology.

8. Group Wikis

A wiki is a website for crowdsourcing information where any member can view, edit, or add content. Many business communication platforms use private wikis for their departments or companies. The employees’ team can contribute information to relevant wikis to create a shared knowledge base for all members. Wikipedia is the best example of a wiki.

9. Collaborative Documents

Collaboration tools such as online word processors and virtual whiteboards allow multiple people to work on the same document simultaneously. A file can be accessed, edited, and commented on by several people simultaneously. These tools can help content-creating teams of a company create and edit content with accuracy and within a given time limit.

10. Podcasts

A podcast is a form of audio communication. It is similar to vlogs but falls under audio communication. Creators can record themselves sharing information about a particular topic or telling a story, then upload and store the audio online. Audiences can listen to the podcast on their devices by hearing it online or downloading it. Crime and politics are the most discussed and popular topics on podcasts.

11. Wearable Technology

Wearable technology is an information technology that can wear in the body. Wearable technology with internet connections can provide quick answers to questions we ask, helps to keep spoken-word memos and notes, make hands-free phone calls throughout the day. Voice commands can be used to control smartwatches. Exercise bracelets help to maintain a healthy routine with a lot of information. Smart glasses are used for capturing images or videos and can stream audio.

12. Messages

Short message service (SMS), or texting, allows people to send short messages and images using smartphones. Emailing or calling a person is sometimes not possible because of network issues. This popular, informal communication technology is for these kinds of situations. Businesses also use this texting to promote their company offers and products.

13. Smart Speakers

Speakers are used to amplifying the sound. The everyday use of speakers is for listening to music. More than that, smart speakers can be used as voice-activated personal assistants. The speakers are very useful for busy people who struggle to manage their time. The voice commands can instruct it to perform tasks such as calling a client, scheduling a meeting, or adding to your task list.

14. Web Chat

A web chat is a system that enables users to communicate online, in real-time, through easily accessible web interfaces. This type of internet online chat is popular because of its accessibility and simplicity to users who do not wish to install and learn to use specialized chat software. Chatbots are the best example.

15. Email

An email is a popular form of communication technology used for official communication. The email arrives in the recipient’s mailbox almost instantly, while the normal mail system takes more time. It is mainly used to communicate with clients and colleagues, quickly and easily share images or texts, and send and receive invoices. It is the common platform for business promotion.

16. Personalized Customer Experience

Customers expect businesses to understand individual preferences and tastes to engage them as individuals rather than customers. Individualized customer service is an advertising technique that allows you to tailor the communication with each customer. It can be done through direct interactions or individualized messaging. Personalization helps to meet not only consumer expectations but also increase repeat sales.

17. Augmented Reality

Augmented reality is the popular technique used on smartphones, tablets, and other gaming devices to augment the real world in an interactively with virtual elements. It is the real-time integration of digital information with the user environment to create a completely artificial environment in which the users experience a real-world environment with generated perceptual information overlaid.

18. Virtual Reality

Virtual reality or VR is a popular communication medium that makes virtual experiences feel real and appear unmediated. Virtual reality (VR) has been used for training and simulations in the military and medicine since the 1960s. Still it has also become a fertile ground for evaluating social and psychological dynamics in academic settings. Frame rate and latency are critical for Virtual Reality to provide an enjoyable and smooth experience for the user.

19. Forums

A group forum is an online platform where people can ask and respond to questions. Forums are a group of people with common interests or troubleshooting common issues. For example, in an HTML discussion forum, an IT professional may seek coding advice. Keeping records of conversations is the best feature because it allows members to search for a previous solution or track the group’s progress.

20. Cloud Storage Solutions

Cloud storage is an effective way of communication. There are numerous ways to use cloud services for communication. It allows a company to store documents, files, customer data, or inventory. The backup system of the cloud storage system helps in the recovery of mandatory files and crisis management. The system is not free of charge.

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