Top 20 Free Keywords Generator Tools To Boost Your Seo

Are you looking for ways to enhance your website’s SEO? If yes, then one of the most critical aspects of SEO is keywords. Keywords are simple words or phrases in your website’s content that searchers search for as a query. The more precise the keywords, the higher the chances of your website being discovered by your target audience in the SERP. To get these keywords, there are keyword generator tools that provide users with a list of keywords based on the seed keyword or topic. Here’s a list of top keyword generator tools that will help you boost your website’s SEO and, thus your rank on SERP.

1. Google Keyword Planner

It is one of the most widely used free tools by digital marketers for research and running paid and organic campaigns. This tool helps users generate new keywords, topics, and phrases. You also get data about related keywords, the monthly search volume, pay-per-click, long-tail keywords, and low-competition keywords. Further, you also have the option to narrow down your results by including criteria like location, language, and time frames.

2. Google Trends

Google Trends is another popular multi-language free tool that analyses the top search queries in search engines like Google. With this, users get in-depth keyword data which helps them to compare multiple related keywords, search trending keywords, select keywords from related topics or queries, and analyze real-time search trends of keywords. But, with Google Trends, one cannot measure the keyword volume. Users can also filter keywords by country, time frame, categories, and more. It is used to improve SEO, content marketing, getting ideas for blogs and social media campaigns, and trending topic ideas for webinars.

3. Ubersuggest

Ubersuggest is a free-to-use SEO tool that provides users with insightful data related to a particular keyword query on sites like Amazon, Google, Bling & more. Its unique feature is generating new keyword ideas, and with that, you also get data on each keyword, including monthly search volume, average cost-per-click, pay-per-click competition, SEO competition, & long tail keywords. There is another helpful feature in Ubersuggest which is Keyword suggestion. With Ubersuggest’s Keyword tool, users can also generate different keywords, including related, question, prepositions, & comparisons.

4. Answerthepublic

Answerthepublic tool is a free essential tool in SEO that helps users to identify words, phrases, & questions that people are asking around the particular keyword you have entered. Further, the keywords can be generated in any language and around any country you just need to enter your seed keyword & choose your location & language.

5. Ahrefs

It is a free SEO software suite that contains n number of tools that could be used to improve your website’s SEO. It also includes a Keyword tool where you have to enter seed keywords & you get relevant keywords based on the data of over 8 billion queries. With that, you also get to identify long-tail keywords, accurate search volumes, keyword difficulty scores, SERP overview, & also the data of key SEO metrics.

6. Serpstat

Serpstat is an all-in-one SEO platform for professionals, which is also one of the best-selling SEO tools of all time on Appsumo. It contains lots of tools using which one can discover top pages, perform PPC searches, get site audit reports & find what your competitors are doing via web analysis. With the keyword tool, you get a list of related keywords, their search volume, & CPC. The tool also has a feature that shows ‘‘ the most popular words’’ that Google suggests.

7. Soovle

Soovle is a free customizable engine that provides services from more than 150 different platforms like Google, Bing, Amazon, Yahoo, etc. It gives users a list of top ‘‘Internet keywords’’ sorted alphabetically. This keyword list will give you insight into the latest trending searches. With Soovle, you can also save your keyword suggestions, & compare related search suggestions.

8. Kwfinder

Kwfinder is one of the free, user-friendly SEO tools which is trusted by SEO professionals. It is one of the widely used tools for Keyword research that helps you find long-tail keywords and analyze search engine result pages. It also provides monthly search volumes, thus making it a fantastic alternative to Google Keyword Planner. Further, you can also search your keywords as per your specific language and location. It also provides you with relevant data on the difficulty and trends of your keywords.

9. Keyword Tool

Keyword Tool is a tool that helps the user generate thousands of new long-tail keywords that are related to the seed keyword by using Google’s search suggestions. It has free and paid versions, and with a free version, about 750 plus keywords can be generated. The tool can be used on 192 domains and 83 languages.

10. Seed Keyword

It is a free tool that provides some great keyword ideas where you need to create a search scenario and then send that link to your contacts and ask them to type in the keywords they would type in while using a search engine. Thus, you get a list of words and phrases that can be used in your SEO and keyword research. Further, you keep getting real-time results, so your seed word list will keep growing as and when your contacts put in their responses.

11. Keyword Surfer

Keyword Surfer is a free Keyword tool to discover dozens of relevant topics based on your primary keyword. For any search that you perform, Keyword Surfer will provide you with insights on search volume, Cost-per-click, Keyword suggestions, related terms, visibility metrics, and on-page data as well. With Keyword Surfer, users can create content strategies and write compelling pages based on data-driven guidelines.

12. Moz

Moz is an SEO powerhouse with both free and paid software offerings. With the free version, you can Generate keywords by entering your seed keywords and the location you want to search for, and thus, you get a list of keywords with their monthly volume, keyword difficulty, expected cost-per-click rate, and more. There is also a Keyword suggestion feature that helps you discover keywords.

13. Twinword Ideas

It is a multi-language Keyword tool that helps a user generate SEO-friendly content. It has over 40 languages and over 200 regional settings. Twinword Ideas tool groups keywords by user patterns, intent, and popular topics. With this, you also get search volume, organic competition, paid competition, and cost-per-click data to help you make decisions.

14. Google Correlate

Google Correlate is a free tool that identifies keywords with similar time or regional-based search patterns to the queries that a user enters. It helps you understand places where people have an interest in your business, thus when and what would they look for your products or websites. You have to type in your keyword and press search correlation, and you get a list of keywords that will be arranged based on how often people search for it.

15. Bulk Keyword Generator

Bulk Keyword Generator is a free local SEO keyword tool for small businesses. It is a tool within highervisibility that offers a lot of SEO-related tools. With this, you get a Keyword suggester and DIY Generator. In keyword suggester, you need to select your business category and the city then the tool will automatically generate local keywords for your specific industry that your potential customers might be using.

16. Wordstream

Wordstream is a free tool supported by Google that has been helping small businesses with tools to reach their big goals. It has a free Keyword tool that allows you to discover new keywords and get performance data. You need to enter a keyword, and you get hundreds of relevant keyword results that are tailored according to the user’s industry and location. With that, you also get keyword volume and cost-per-click data that helps you to target your audience precisely.

17. Keyword Sheeter

Keyword Sheeter is a free keyword tool that generates keywords that could be used to improve your website’s SEO. You get to enter your seed keyword, and with that, you can also choose your language and location and generate thousands of long-tail keywords in just a few minutes.

18. QuestionDB

Questiondb is a free tool that helps you generate specific keywords. For this, you need to enter a seed keyword, and against this, you will get a list of questions around your keyword that can further be used as content ideas. The report ranks keywords and questions from most to least popular.

19. Rankactive

Rankactive is another all-in-one SEO tool kit with free and paid versions. With the free version, you get a keyword generator tool which helps users generate a unique set of keyword ideas from different sources. You can also select your country of choice while generating keywords and get search volume data for that particular location.

20. Keyworddit

Keyworddit is a free keyword tool that generates ideas from Reddit. It is helpful for users who are building new vlogs, websites, or a site as well. It helps you to discover keywords based on the topic people are talking about on Reddit, thus allowing you to improve your website’s SEO. You also get a list of the monthly average search volume of that particular keyword.

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