Top 20 Jobs That Can Be Taken Over By Ai

AI stands for Artificial Intelligence. It refers to the technology of computers that can imitate or surpass human capabilities. The robots and software innovations made incorporating AI are found to be more efficient and productive than their human counterparts employed for the same task. There are a lot of fields like HR management, writing, law, that cannot be controlled by robots. There are a lot of fields like HR management, writing, law, that cannot be controlled by robots. There are many more jobs that will be replaced by AI technology. These jobs are the source of living to a large population, so it is important to know about them. AI is taking as well as creating new job opportunities. We will witness a shift in the priorities of students choosing their career paths. They are likely to choose fields that cannot be replaced by AI or they have to learn and adapt to it.

We have a list of 20 jobs that are being replaced or will be replaced by AI controlled machines and robots-

1. Surgeons

A lot of high profile and cosmetic surgeries these days are being done by robotic machines. They’re also preferred because they work in a hygienic environment and are less likely to cause a mishap.

2. Cashiers And Receptionists

We have auto check-in and check-out systems in quite a few places these days. The machines are programmed to work and guide customers which doesn’t leave a chance for human corruption.

3. Pilots

There are already a lot of auto regulated planes. It’s not long before we won’t need a pilot to monitor the plane. Such aircrafts will be used for a variety of purposes.

4. Journalists

Many reports and news information is written and gathered with the help of Artificial Intelligence technology. A lot of articles that are based on information can be generated by the computer. The technology can assist officials or replace them all together.

5. Pharmacists

The bots used for writing prescriptions are way faster at their job than a person with a degree and knowledge of pharmacy. These bots have already been hired by some foreign companies to work with humans.

6. Customer Service Agents

This profession doesn’t require much creative or intellectual capacity. The AI can be used to respond to queries. This practice is already prevalent, and used for many official websites of different companies.

7. Public Transport Drivers

Human drivers will be obsolete, as self-driving automobiles and completely autonomous transportation are becoming more common. This is going to happen in the near future as the technology is still being worked on.

8. Proofreading

Proofreading doesn’t involve creative writing or new ideas, it is simply to point out the human errors. The chances of correcting human errors efficiently are higher for AI than another human. We already have plenty applications that do it and are used by many companies or writers.

9. Translation

We have this technology already in work. Humans will be replaced by AI and it will try to bring in more accuracy. The future will probably have less human translators or they will work along with AI to get the desired results. The language keeps changing with time.

10. Manufacturing Workers

The manual work done by laborers can be assigned to robots who work without requiring any high-skilled programming. They provide more active work hours than human workers. Companies are already starting to use them.

11. Stock Market Analyst

Many market analysts are losing their jobs because of the new AI supported reports being used by companies. They keep up with the patterns of the trade and analyze them to give better results.

12. Security Guards

Majority of the houses and offices these days have CCTV cameras, fingerprint scan, and other computerized security systems. With the gradual advancement in technology, there would be minimal to no need of a human guard. These systems would be more trustworthy.

13. Accountants

Computerization of the records makes their management more convenient compared to manual work. It is also affordable. Human errors and corruption can be avoided this way without having to keep a track.

14. Salesperson

Due to the rise of social media, people have shifted their focus towards advertisement in that area and a salesperson isn’t needed for it. In retail stores as well, people these days prefer doing their own research through the internet.

15. Farmers

A large population earns their living through agriculture. Farmers will be replaced in near future by humanoid robots that will carry out all the tasks on the field. There will be crops grown in different conditions. We already have labs and experiments going on.

16. Travel Agents

The travel agents are being replaced by automated websites owned by tour companies. They are starting to employ this type of software instead of humans as it creates a more user-oriented experience.

17. Waiters And Baristas

We already have a few food joints using robots for this job. They carry around the food as the instructions are fed into their system. At fast-food places, automated machines are being designed and used to replace workers.

18. Telemarketing

Telemarketing jobs are declining as corporations use robots to make calls on their account. To succeed in this profession, you don’t need a lot of psychological, cognitive, or conversational abilities which is why AIs are used. Robo-calls are made on behalf of humans.

19. Delivery Men

Delivery jobs are being taken over by robots and drones with advanced technology. A lot of this workforce is underpaid and overworked so automation is seen as a better option. The shift will be slow but steady.

20. Toll-Booth Attendants

Globally, toll-booths are being automated. They have scanning systems that will credit money straight from the car owner. No human assistance is required in the process as the machines do their job regularly without fail.

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