Top 20 Latest iPhone Home Screen Ideas

With social media starting to consume our lives, there has been an increasing need to hold up to its standards. People nowadays are gravitating towards matching the aesthetics and leaning into the way popular influencers or celebrities perceive them.

There is nothing wrong with following the trends or being authentic to yourself, and anything can be fun as long as you genuinely want it. An iPhone Home Screen can be customized in various ways to appeal to your taste.

Here are 20 innovative ideas and themes of all kinds to suit your preferred aesthetic

1. Danish Pastel Theme

This theme has a very Pinterest-inspired vibe as it is seen a lot on it. The pastel shades and colorful icons are bright without hurting the eyes. Use the apps like widget smith, color widget, etc., to arrange desired photos. Use Pinterest to get icons and backgrounds wallpapers. Name and change icons of the apps with the help of the “shortcuts” app already present on your iPhone. This procedure applies to setting up the Home Screen every time.

2. Dark Fairycore Aesthetic

This idea takes inspiration from nature, dark green forests, waterfalls, celestial creatures, unrealistic destinations, and the fantasy of becoming a native of these imaginary places. It has been around for some time now yet it is so undiscovered and enchanting.

3. Workaholic/Student Life

When you already have a lot on your plate, you can use your home screen to help complete your daily tasks and be a companion in your hustle. You can add widgets such as reminders, a notes app, a calendar with marked dates, motivational quotes, etc.

4. Coquette

The aesthetic is said to encapsulate all things idyllic, feminine, and exquisite. Coquette is all about celebrating femininity and romanticizing antique summer looks. Daintiness and nostalgia come to mind. If you are into any of this, design your home screen the way you want.

5. Astrology Inspired

For everyone who believes in the magic of stars and planets, here is the best way to set up your iPhone Home Screen.

6. Y2K

Y2K is an abbreviation used for “the year 2000.” Essentially, this term refers to a period of time that is associated with its fashion sense, computer interface, film, and so on. The trends are known to recycle every 10-20 years, and lately, the Y2K is making a comeback. Hence, you can design your Home Screen accordingly by making it look like a CD player or an old computer, etc.

7. Grunge

Grunge style has been around for a long time. It means to have an edgy, cool, unconventional persona. It derives inspiration from many punk & rock bands and musicians, even those dated back. Many youngsters lean in towards it.

8. Dark/Light Academia

Academia refers to everything related to books, libraries, monuments, and different forms of art and poetry. Over time, with the rise of pop culture and social media, its idea has undergone various changes. Many people still have a deep attachment to this theme. If you are a sucker for knowledge and art, this is “the theme” for you.

9. Neutrals

This theme does not indorse in being extravagant while managing to be presentable. If you do not like bright colors or you do not have the time to set up an elaborate Home Screen, this is the safest option. A warm and eye-soothing color palette gives a pleasant look. 


Every day we look for motivation, and we need positive affirmations to help us stay on the path to achieving our goals. Opening your phone and finding inspiration can assist in times that you are struggling. Thus, you can put quotes and affirmations on your Home Screen to take care of your mental health and become more productive.

11. Aura

Aura is just the layers of energy around us. As we know, seven chakras exhibit different types of vibrations. Different colors symbolize different auras. You can match your aura to the colour you believe the aura resonates with, and set up your Home Screen accordingly.

12. Kawaii

It is a popular Japanese word that means “cute.” It is used to talk about different types of items viewed as charming, pretty, vulnerable, etc. It has recently become a popular term in pop culture.

13. Classical Art

If you have an interest in historical, mythical, or artistic topics, you can use your own Home Screen to showcase that. There are many classic paintings and art stuff that you can incorporate into the phone to make your Home Screen remind you of the myths and tales you associate with.

14. Music

Music is a part of the lifestyle of many. It serves as a driving force to people wanting to move forward. To some, it is just a source of enjoyment. Either way, music is an integral part of life for the majority. Hence, you can engage with music quickly and in a fun way through your Home Screen by using the necessary widgets. Make different playlists, give them covers and add its widget. Add music streaming and tracking apps to the screen. Make the wallpaper and icons resemble the album you are listening.

15. Cottagecore

The term describes the idyllic beauty of rural and country life that spread on social media in the recent past. It appeals to young adults who want to experience that life and adapt to it. The aesthetic includes open landscapes, cottages, flowers, plant variety, etc. You can edit wallpaper and icons to make this possible.

16. Icon Blend

In any theme, you can match the background of the Home Screen wallpaper and icons so they blend in without the borders showing. You can use apps to remove the icon background to achieve a similar effect. 

17. Dream Destination

We all have that one place we have always wanted to visit. You can design your Home Screen to give a feel of it. Add pictures of that place using the widgetsmith app. You can also add the time zone for that region.

18. Old Money

Old Money is a style that revolves around wealth and tradition. People, who inherit their riches rather than acquiring them in their lifetime, are referred to as “old money.” Gen Z is going back to this aesthetic. It is a fantasy to dress, act, and try to live like you have Old Money. Brands like Chanel and Armani are Old Money. You can make your Home Screen a form of escape into this world. 

19. Hearts

Recently, there is a rise in the use of heart-shaped patterns everywhere. It can be on clothing pieces, makeup, charms, jewelery, and more. If you find that appealing, you can design your Home Screen that way. Find several patterns you like through Pinterest and add them all to the icons and wallpaper.

20. Seasons 

Every season brings its essence. Set up your new Home Screen with a new season to embrace it in its true spirit. Add pictures of the important events that happen in that season. You can customize it as you prefer.

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