Top 20 Latest Robots Projects Ideas

Robotics has arisen massively. It’s now not simply something to meddle with now. A dedicated stream of engineering has appeared in several engineering schools. College occasions, Robotic galas, and competitions see a downright huge interest from robotic lovers. We compiled this listing of 20 robotics challenge ideas. How many have you attempted?

1. Line Follower Robot Using PID Algorithm

A line follower is a simple robot that follows a thick line drawn on the floor using infrared (IR) or a few different optical sensors. This line follower robotic uses two motors with wheels at the rear and a castor wheel as an assistant at the front.

2. HMI-Based Robotic Arm

Specific jobs require high precision for which a human hand is needed at the side of the independent robotic. In this venture, we’ve evolved an HMI type of robot arm, using which robots can follow and copy the movements of humans.

3. Hector Slam Mapping And Indoor Positioning ROBOT With ROS And Lidar

In this undertaking, we can be devising a low-fee gadget for growing actual-time maps of indoor environments. This will permit a robotic to perform without collisions and navigate by keeping off any boundaries.

4. Radar And ROS Powered Indoor Home Mapping And Positioning Robot

The indoor mapping and positioning feature of a Robot Operating System (ROS) managed robotically is crucial in navigating thru a corridor, warehouse, room, or some other environment.

5. Artificial Intelligence-Based Chatbot For Appliance Control

This task affords a synthetic intelligence (AI)-based chatbot totally for controlling electrical domestic home equipment using ESP8266-12E NodeMCU and the Facebook Messenger platform. The platform for growing AI chatbots for Facebook is Chatfuel. The task also uses IFTTT and Adafruit IO for an again-quit guide. The project is superb for integrating AI with the Internet of Things (IoT).

6. Virtual Telepresence Robot Using Raspberry Pi

This robot with a digital camera is positioned in a far-flung location to capture the environment in visible form through the usage of Raspberry Pi (RPi). The captured visuals are displayed on the person’s virtual reality (VR) headset. A delivered characteristic permits the digital camera to move in the path of the user’s head moves. This offers the user an actual-time experience as if he’s a gift in which the robot is positioned.

7. Make Your Remote-Controlled Robot

To manage a robot, the signal is generally sent through a wi-fi machine using radio frequency (RF) and infrared (IR). To send an IR sign, you need a transmitter and a receiver with an encoding and deciphering system. Presented here’s a simple far-off-controlled robot that may be controlled using an IR remote this is used for a TV or DVD player or an equivalent IR far-flung.

8. Arduino Based Smartphone Controlled Robot Car

Nowadays smartphones can be used to govern a bunch of electrical and electronic gadgets which include automobiles, song structures, and lights. Here we present an Arduino-based totally robot vehicle, which may be managed with the use of an Android cellphone having an Arduino RC application set up in it. This bot gets instructions from your cellphone with the help of a Bluetooth module.

9. RF Controlled Robot

We start with a simple Arduino board primarily based on robotics. It may be pushed remotely with the use of an RF remote manage.  This robotic can be constructed in no time in a small price range. The RF faraway manipulation presents the gain of a terrific controlling variety (as much as 100 meters with right antennae) except being omnidirectional. The coronary heart of the robotic is an Arduino UNO board. Another cause to get your hands grimy.

10. Colour Sensing Robot With MATLAB

Presented here is a MATLAB-primarily based project where photos taken by the camera are processed for shades and the position of a crimson-colored object is extracted from the image. Based on the placement of the purple-colored item in the photograph, specific statistics are sent thru the COM port. The serial records are received by the robotic and the corresponding movement is finished. You can trade the code for any color that you locate appropriate. This venture is simply an instance. You may use this for various industrial packages including controlling heavy load-lifting machines with a few items of a specific color to your hand.

11. Android Phone Controlled Robot

Android smartphones are undoubtedly the most popular gadgets in recent times. You will find various apps on the Internet that exploits inbuilt hardware in these cellular phones, which include Bluetooth and Wi-Fi, to control other gadgets. This challenge gives a robot that can be controlled using an app walking on an Android telephone.

12. Fire Extinguishing Robot

Many main accidents are prevented by using extinguishing the fireplace at an early level. The goal of this next mission is to build a robot that could come across and kill the fireplace. This fire extinguishing robotic is a prototype of the real one. The sensors used here are simple infrared (IR) photodiodes that locate IR rays coming out of the fire.

13. Wireless Gesture-Controlled Robot

In this task, we are going to manage a robot wirelessly with the use of hand gestures. This is an easy, consumer-pleasant manner to engage with robotic systems and robots. An accelerometer detects the tilting position. A microcontroller gets particular analog values and generates command signals to control the robot. Robotic hands used for welding or managing unsafe substances are different implementations of this idea.

14. Soccer Robot

This soccer robot can circulate ahead, opposite, ahead-left, ahead-proper, opposite-left, and opposite-right with the assistance of an Android smartphone. The angle of rotation of the cellphone controls its speed of movement. The robotic also kicks a ball on shaking the phone. Arduino UNO board is the coronary heart of the circuit. Other additives encompass servo motor, Bluetooth module JY MCU BT, motor driver L293D, and two DC motors.

15. Namaste Greeting Robot

This fun challenge called ‘namaste robot’ uses an Arduino Uno board at its heart. The Arduino controls several automobiles concurrently. The robotic turns its head at 180° and scans people in its range using an ultrasonic module. If it reveals everyone close by, it greets the man or woman with ‘namaste’ with both fingers urgent together. That’s the conventional Indian way of wishing for human beings.

16. Robocar With Wireless Steering

This subsequent assignment describes a wi-fi prompt robotic. Wireless steerage senses the motion and transmits corresponding instruction to govern the robot thru the RF communique. The robot also has an impediment detection and avoidance device implemented. The accelerometer senses the movement of the steering. Arduino Uno board methods this fact and corresponding commands are transmitted through the RF transmitter to manipulate the robotic.

17. Cellphone-Operated Land Rover

The management of robotics includes 3 distinct phases: perception, processing, and movement. Generally, the preceptors are sensors mounted on the mechanical, processing is performed through the onboard microcontroller or processor, and the venture (action) is accomplished through automobiles or with some different actuators. In this project, the robot is managed by using a mobile telephone that makes a name to the mobile smartphone attached to the robot. The tone similar to a button is heard on the processing quit. The robot perceives this DTMF tone with the help of the cell phone stacked on the robotic.

18. RF-Primarily Based Dual-Mode Robot

This subsequent twin-mode robotic is operated manually using an RF-primarily based far-off manipulation. The robotic has a tiny built-in intelligence to keep away from boundaries with the aid of converting its path. Further adjustments for applications like automatic vacuum cleaners also are to be had. In such an application the vacuum cleaner will routinely smooth the ground, or you could direct it to use the RF faraway while sitting comfy on your sofa.

19. Whisker For Robots

Whiskers for robots are easy switch-type sensors that paint like an animal’s whiskers detecting nearby objects inside the surroundings. When disturbed, the sensor sends a pulse to the robot to indicate that an impediment is a gift. Sensitive but cheaper fashionable-reason whiskers can be made with the usage of usually metal guitar strings. These strings are very flexible, conductive, and clean to apply.

20. Human Detection Robot

This next venture provides a simple human detection robotic operated manually using RF technology. The principal principle of the circuit is to locate the human through a human detection sensor. The wi-fi robotic is operated manually using a PC. The wi-fi generation used here is the Radio Frequency era. The statistics are transmitted to the receiver through RF. The robot is operated and manages the usage of the obtained records.

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