Top 20 Projects Of Internet Of Things

Internet of Things or IoT is an advanced technology in which the objects are fixed with software and sensors to connect and exchange data and information with other systems all over the internet. Some examples of things are – electronic systems, vehicles, roofs, etc. IoT has a broad spectrum of applications, and nowadays, it is widely used to lessen the burden on human beings. To mention a few, IoT is established for smart wearable gadgets like smart watches, innovative healthcare, smart cars, and many more. Now let’s see some of the interesting IoT-based projects –

1. Health Monitoring System

Regular and routine check-ups are frequently skipped by almost all people due to their hectic schedules. As a consequence, they end up paying a considerable amount in tracking the diseases. The health monitoring system includes several gadgets like wearable smart watches and active sensors that are capable of monitoring and maintaining the health record of the user by considering heart rate, oxygen level, body temperature, and blood pressure.

2. Home Automation System

The most common and popular project of IoT is the system of home automation. This system includes a fan, television, microwave, fridge, geyser, and various other gadgets. This project empowers you to manage and control all the gadgets and appliances available in your house with smart touch-based automation or a single click from your smartphone from any region.

3. Smart Cradle System Project

The concept of the smart cradle system is beneficial for working mothers whose kids are under five years. This system enables the mothers to monitor their kids from their workplace. It has made the lives of the parents more relaxed as they can keep a watch on their kids. It features a mechanism of cry-detection, lives to feed on video, and a better interface with the kids.

4. Liquid Level Monitoring System

IoT-based liquid monitoring system project allows users to monitor the level of liquid stored in containers and also prevents their overflowing. Industries like oil refineries and chemical plants where the liquid is stored in large tanks and containers have benefitted from this project. With the help of ultrasonic sensors, the system measures the level of the liquid. It transmits the data to a microcontroller which sends signals via the internet, and the users can access the information and updates.

5. Smart Alarm Clock

Smart alarm clocks are classified into different types, but here mainly, we are focusing on the self-setting smart alarm clock. Google Calendar appointments are used by this smart clock to set the time. It is also capable of procuring data from GPS. It has many features, as it helps you wake, voice commands, audio amplifier control, and several other features.

6. Smart Door System

The smart door IoT project creates smart doors capable of controlling the entry and exit of humans through the door. These doors automatically open and close when someone passes by. It can be controlled remotely also by clicking an icon on the mobile phone. The owner has the right to choose who can access the door.

7. Robot For Night Patrolling

The night patrolling robot is on an IoT -based project that is designed in such a way that it can surveil a particular region during the night time. It alerts the authorities or concerned people when it detects any doubtful movement or activity in the region with the help of its cameras, sensors, and IoT-based communication system. It can cover a large area by moving with efficiency and autonomy.

8. Smart Gas Leakage Detector Bot

Gas leakage is an essential concern as sometimes it may lead to harmful and fatal consequences. IoT-based smart gas leakage detector aims at detecting gas leaks and alerting the user. It uses a sensor that triggers an alarm when it detects the gas leakage. This project can be deployed in large industries, laboratories, and homes to detect gas leakage.

9. A Bot For Face Recognition

An IoT-based face recognition bot is an exciting project based on artificial intelligence and computer vision. It is capable of capturing, identifying, and recognizing human faces. A camera is used to capture the images, which are then processed by the AI model to detect the faces and, finally the matches with the existing images present in the database.

10. Smart Street Light System

Today in the world, approximately 19% of the energy produced is consumed by street lights only. If they are manually operated and controlled, often they are on during the daytime also. To overcome this problem, the smart street light monitoring system is an instrumental IoT-based project. Using sensors, it automatically switches on and off the street lights day and night. It also detects faulty lights and ensures that a low amount of energy is consumed.

11. Safety Helmets For Workers In Mines

Nowadays, the most hazardous places to work are the mines. Safety helmets for mining workers is an IoT-based project in which a circuit based upon a microcontroller is equipped in the safety helmets of the workers to sense the mines and assess the safety parameters. The RF-based tracking system is also fitted to transmit data via the IoT network through which the current location of the workers can be traced.

12. Air Pollution Monitoring System

The air quality index is deteriorating predominantly in urban areas, due to rapidly increasing air pollution. The IoT -based air pollution monitoring system is considered very important for the environment. It uses sensors, specifically the air sensors, to detect the harmful matters and gases present in the air as well as it also measures the air quality index of an area.

13. Flood Detection System

Floods are natural disasters that cause widespread damage to the affected region. The flood detection system is based upon IoT technology that forecasts and predicts floods in advance which in turn helps prevent loss of lives, properties, and valuable assets to some extent. It detects floods by considering environmental factors like humidity, a temperature, and water levels.

14. Weather Reporting System

The IoT-based weather reporting system is used to forecast and monitor the weather and the climatic changes in a region like temperature, humidity, wind speed, moisture, rainfall, UV radiation, and so on. As a result, it decreases the dependency on the agencies that forecast the weather. Sometimes, it alerts about extreme natural calamities by featuring green, yellow, and red notifications.

15. IoT-based Smart Wheelchair

There are about 130 million users of wheelchair present globally. IoT-based smart wheelchairs are an extraordinary innovation for these people. The built-in sensors available on the seat of the wheelchair collect data and provides insights into the seating behavior of the person. It also includes information about the energy required by the person to maintain the body posture. It is significant for monitoring the patients remotely.

16. Prison Break Alerting System

The prisoners in the jail often try to escape the jail. IoT-based prison breakage monitoring system helps the concerned authorities to monitor and identify prison break-ins. If such happens, the system notifies and alerts the officials with an alarming sound so that they can take immediate steps to tackle the situation.

17. Smart System Of Agriculture

Due to the rapidly growing population, the demand for food crops is increasing, and so there is a need to improve the agricultural productivity. The IoT-based smart agricultural system aims to enhance agricultural productivity with automated and advanced farming monitoring techniques. It is programmed so that it can efficiently irrigate the fields and spray pesticides and fertilizers on the crops.

18. System For Smart Parking

Parking vehicles in congested urban areas is a significant problem for people. The smart parking system aims at managing the spaces for parking efficiently and improving the traffic flow. It can monitor and drive the traffic and also suggests other paths for fire brigades and ambulances in case of emergencies. It is also helpful in tracking the traffic rule violators.

19. System For Forest Fire Detection

Forest fires are a common thing during the extreme summer season. Sometimes the fires in forests occur naturally, and sometimes, they are created purposely by someone with wrong intentions. The IoT-based forest fire detector helps detect forest fires with the help of the carbon dioxide levels and temperature in the forests.

20. Smart Money Transfer

In the era of digitization, smart money transfer is becoming the most common thing among people. Instead of giving and taking cash, people prefer online money transfer apps like Google Pay, PhonePe, PayPal, BHIM, and so on. These apps offer a platform to transfer money comfortably and reliably.

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