Top 20 Robotics Project

The complex tasks in human life have become so easy and meticulous with the help of robotics. Engleberger is known as the father of robotics. In the mid-1900s, he developed the first industrial robot. Robotics is a branch of engineering and an inter-related technology that deals with robots. It involves a combination of electrical, computer science, mechanical, and other technologies in several different fields. Robots are automatic machines capable of performing particular tasks without any human intervention with great speed and accuracy. As there is an intensifying expansion in the field of robotics, the demand for skilled engineers will boost up in the future scenario. Robots are being utilized in various fields to execute tasks that are considered risky for humans. In this article, we have come up with some of the projects in which robotics technology is utilized.

1. Robotic Arm

Robotic arms are used in several mechanical operations that are risky for humans. They work so quickly and precisely. Most of the robotics arm is used in assembling the parts of the automobiles. Earlier factory mechanics got hurt, but this technology has reduced the condition to some extent. A robotic arm is programmed by Arduino Uno in combination with servo motors as actuators.

2. Surveillance Robot

The literal meaning of surveillance is watching from above. With the help of the surveillance robot, a specific area or a human can be easily monitored. The robot can be controlled through the Pi camera from any remote place. Mainly, it is to protect a particular region or any VIP person.

3. Sixth Sense Robot

Sixth-sense robotic technology uses image processing algorithms and Arduino to control the operations. It can be considered one of the best projects if anyone wants to try something unique and different. It works in the following two ways –

  1. Firstly, it tracks the image of an object and then tracks the gestures of the user’s hand.
  2. The tip of the user’s finger is marked with red, green, blue, and yellow colors through which the webcam recognizes the gestures of the hand.

4. Raspberry Pi Robot

Raspberry Pi board is a credit card-sized, small computer that easily connects to the internet and interfaces with different types of hardware components. Basic knowledge of programming and the technique of connecting several hardware devices is required to use Raspberry Pi for designing a robot.

5. Steam Power Generation

When water is heated, the power is derived from the steam generated. This power is used to run turbines and engines. A steam power generation robot is a kind of heat engine that uses the steam as a fluid for its work, and then it performs mechanical work. The pistons are also driven by the steam power. A piston inside a cylinder is moved back and forth with the help of a steam generation robot that uses the force produced by the pressure of steam.

6. Smart Umbrella

A Smart Umbrella with a solar cell gets power through the solar panel mounted on the top of the unit and continuously in the exposure to the sun. The received sunlight is converted into electricity by the unit. This process of conversion is called a ‘photovoltaic effect.’ The power generated is then stored and accessed by a flipping switch on the umbrella pole.

7. Water Filling Conveyor

Water Filling Conveyor is a popular project of robotics technology. It encompasses concepts like project planning, mechanical designing, machining and fabrication, and many more. The system consists of three sensors –

  1. The first detects an empty bottle for the motor that turns on the conveyor.
  2. The second sensor detects the bottle, and then the pump will remain on for 15 seconds until the bottle gets filled.
  3. The third and last sensor detects the filled bottle and passes it to the user.

8. Off-Road Adventure Robot

Off-Road Adventure Robot is a fascinating project. This robot comprises a heavy-duty chassis, an in-built camera, high-torque motors, and high-profile wheels. It can be used to travel the roughest terrains without any difficulty smoothly. It is easy to replace the batteries, circuits, and microcontrollers. Also, it is very easy to operate.

9. Colour Sensing Robot

Colour Sensing Robot, along with MATLAB, is one of the worthwhile robotics projects. MATLAB processes an image of the robot with the help of high-sensor cameras. Further, the images taken are processed for colors. Through a COM port, the color-sensing robot sends several real-time data for multiple applications in industries.

10. Sun-Tracking Solar Panel

Solar energy is a renewable energy that is widely utilized in regions that receive a higher amount of sunlight. Using this sun-tracking solar panel, users can generate more energy. This system has a single axis of freedom because a single commercial tracker is cheaper. Sun-tracking solar panel projects can be considered an eco-friendly alternative.

11. Mobile Robotics

As the mobiles have a large coverage area, the mobile robots enjoy the benefit of range. In mobile robotics, a designed robot is controlled by a mobile phone that can make a phone call to another mobile that is connected to the robot. In mobile communication, the most widely used technology is Dual Tone Multiple Frequency (DTMF). The robots are programmed in such a way that they decode the signals and move appropriately.

12. Gesture-based Robot

Robots are classified into two types – autonomous robots and semi-autonomous robots. Autonomous robots are capable of detecting without any human support, whereas semi-autonomous robots are controlled by human beings partially. Gesture-based robots are an example of semi-autonomous robots that are controlled by the gestures of the hand. It uses an accelerometer to detect the movements of the hand.

13. Pesticide Sprayer In Farms

The pesticide sprayer aims to drive through the crops to spray the pesticides on the farm independently. It is designed to boost agricultural production by spraying pesticides in the fields, which are essential for crop growth. The robot using an ultrasonic sensor, detects the crops on both sides. As a result, it has helped to enhance crop production by offering comfort to the farmers.

14. Physiotherapy Robot

Physiotherapy is a process in which patients suffering from health complications are given massages regularly by a physiotherapist. Health complications include heat stroke that causes paralysis and requires thorough physiotherapy. Robotic technology is applied to address these problems. The main aim of robotic devices is to create new and advanced physiotherapy services.

15. Metal Detector Robot

Metal detector robots are specially designed to detect the metals in the region where it is difficult for humans to reach. With the help of sensors, the robots quickly detect the metals that come in their way. When the metals are detected under the ground, a sound is produced at the receiver. For sending and receiving data, it uses a radio frequency transmitter and receiver interfaced with a microcontroller.

16. Fire-Fighting Robot

Firefighting is a dangerous job where the firefighters are always at risk. But thanks to fire-fighting robots that perform the task of fire-fighting and help in reducing the risk of injuries to the fire-fighters. This project detects the fire with the help of infrared sensors, and the DC motor extinguishes the fire using a fan. The fire-fighting robots are programmed by using an Arduino microcontroller.

17. Maze Solver Robot

In the maze solver robotics project, a robot is designed capable of discovering its way out of the maze. In the process, infra-red optical sensors are used for recognizing the maze sending information to the microcontroller. By using the infrared sensors, the robot can pass through the maze field. Whenever in its way the robot detects an obstacle, it opts for a different path with the help of a particular algorithm.

18. Hexapod

As the name suggests, the hexapod robot is six-legged. Hexapod robots are most popular in the category of multi-legged robots. The two-legged robots are less steady than the hexapod robots, as these can easily face obstacles. Arduino Uno board is used for programming, actuation servo motors, and communication HC-05 Bluetooth modules are used in hexapod robots.

19. Swarm Robotics

In Swarm Robotics, multiple robots are included to complete a task. The robots have the capability of coordinating with each other autonomously. A single robot takes much more time to perform functions than a multi-robot system. Multi-robot systems increase reliability, flexibility, and also efficiency. For programming these robots, Arduino Uno board is used.

20. Human Detector Robot

Human detection robotics technology is not a new technology. Several human detection robots have been designed and used. This robotic technology is widely used during natural calamities like earthquakes and floods as it becomes difficult to track and rescue displaced humans. During calamities, rescuing people is a priority. This robot uses RF technology, and the main principle is to detect humans using human detection sensors.

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