Top 20 Efficient Health Apps In 2022

Top 20 efficient health apps in 2022

Health is defined by the World Health Organization (WHO) as “a condition of complete physical, mental, and social well-being, not only the absence of sickness or disability.” People nowadays have become aware about the necessity of maintaining their health. With busy city life, it becomes difficult to manage work and take care of your health. It is extremely important for everyone to look after themselves and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Since our lives revolve around smartphones these days, many companies have launched health apps for the users. It is an excellent way to set up and follow a routine without fail. Having an app on your phone makes it convenient for you to complete the goals. People who are running short on time or who do not want to pay a hefty amount to professionals can make the most of these apps.

Here is a list of 20 trusted and efficient health apps to help you with your journey-

1. HealthTap

This app gives you an elaborate report of your physical exertion. It uses various standards to judge your health status. There is a team of doctors who give you advice and suggestions. It has some in-app purchases.

2. TalkSpace

This is an app for people struggling with mental health problems. You can use this app to talk to experts and therapists. You can share your problems, past, present via many methods. It is an amazing medium to get therapy in 2022, where everyone is living a fast life.

3. Noom

The Noom app provides coaching on fitness plans. The experts give their best observation results and help you modify a given plan along the way. You have many options like barcodes, food logging, etc. It is available Android and iOS both.

4. Fooducate

This app helps to track your food intake, weight, calories, etc. It gives you advice on your diet plan and informs you about the ingredients in it. You can take their plan for personalized plans to get desired results. It connects to different devices.

5. Cardiogram

The Cardiogram app monitors your heart. It keeps a track of your pulse rate, heart rate, steps, sleep conditions, etc. It keeps a track of everything to help you make the right choices for your ideal lifestyle. It is downloaded for free but has in-app purchases. It is available in the App Store.

6. HeadSpace

It offers its users meditation sessions. It is used by many people who have trouble meditating on their own. It provides guided meditation for different situations. You can use the app for maintaining your mental peace. It also has various sounds and background music to calm yourself or fall asleep to.

7. MySugr

It is an app targeted towards the diabetic users. This app is extremely helpful to the people struggling with the management of diabetes. It stores all the necessary information related to your condition and motivates you. It can be connected with other devices as well. The app can be personalized to fit your needs.

8. Sleep Cycle

This app uses advanced technology to monitor your sleeping habits. It lets you manage timing and then analyzes the sounds around you and your heart rate to form a report on the sleep cycle. It uses statistics to showcase any growth or changes.

9. Health App (iPhone)

This app is in-built on the latest iPhone devices. It is used to keep a check on your body and take better care of it. It can collect information from the phone, smartwatch, and any other apps that you can link with it. It is highly reliable and efficient. It is available to iOS users for free.

10. Google fit

This is an excellent app for the Android users. It is available on the Google PlayStore. It has all the features you need to set your own goals and track your progress while completing them. It can connect to most of the devices which helps you collect all the necessary data. The app is free of cost.

11. Runkeeper

This app is useful to people who practice running as their primary exercise. It can track your distance, speed, calories burnt, and improvement made. It uses GPS technology to track roadmaps. It can be paired to other devices. You can check your progress in the app. It is available on Google PlayStore and Apple App Store.

12. Happify

It is a happiness guide. The app has many meditation sessions to help you calm down. It uses positive psychology and CBT to get results. It gives you tasks to help your mind ease and also keeps a track of your progress.

13. Nudge

It is a training app for fitness. It gives you expert opinion on your workouts and helps you customize your plan. It suggests the activities you should try out and tracks your daily progress. The app used AI support for data management. It connects with many devices and has in-app purchases.

14. Glo

It is a fitness and wellness app. The app focuses mainly on yoga and meditation. There are a variety of classes from Yogis who will guide you to make improvements. The app has many in-app purchases. The classes can be downloaded and you can also follow the instructors to keep up with them.

15. Clue

This is an app to track your menstrual cycle. Once you feed in the required information, it warns you about the timings of ovulation and period. It can help women take care of their body during tough weeks. It records the mood swings and sleep schedule.

16. All Out Studio

This particular app is focused on providing customizable routines. It is also specialized in workouts for women. The plans are accessible and trustworthy. There are various in-app purchases for a better experience. Different plans focus on vivid strengths.

17. Remente

This all is a customized tracker app. It helps you set different types of goals for the day. It helps in taking care of your mental health. You can journal with the app. You can also take advice from a coach by attending their session through the app. The app emphasizes taking care and loving yourself. It will help you lead a healthy lifestyle.

18. MyFitnessPal

It tracks your nutritional and water intake. It calculates what is necessary for your body and recommends several recipes. These recipes and food trackers help you in having a balanced meal with the set-up exercises on app.

19. Seven

This app offers research-based workouts. It shows you the exercises with clarity and you have to complete it in a given time frame. It has various subscription options which you can choose from. You can also compare your progress with other users to gain motivation.

20. Strava

This app is kind of a tracker for your fitness journey. With the help of this app, you can track your daily steps, calories burnt, etc. It gives you a report on your activities and you can also compare them with others. It encourages the user to get fit. You can use it with a yearly subscription.

Kindly make sure you do not miss out on the chance to give us your valuable opinions and suggestions in the comment box below~

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